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Jeff Zurschmeide

There is no end to what people are doing with their Mercedes-Benz vehicles.

When I first considered the opportunity to become Editor of The Star, I asked Gary Anderson if he had a hard time filling the pages of the magazine each issue. He told me that there was always plenty of good material to choose from, and I've learned that he was right. 

In this issue we've got wonderful classic Mercedes-Benz autos, and profiles of MBCA members who take pride in the stewardship of those cars. We've got a story about someone doing an incredible overland endurance rally in a unique G-Wagen, and some of the earliest history and the latest exciting news from the Mercedes-Benz brand. 

One of my goals in preparing the magazine is to show you the range and depth of what extraordinary people are doing with Mercedes automobiles and SUVs. In the next several issues, we'll join Mercedes-Benz owners as they take their cars to the ends of the Earth, quite literally in some cases, in pursuit of adventure and achievement. We'll focus on some of the most popular models in history, and we'll keep you up to date. 

But we also want to focus on you, the membership of MBCA. We're collecting stories of members who have restored vintage Mercedes to bring their families closer together, and those who are just enjoying the Mercedes-Benz lifestyle. This is your call to tell your story in your magazine. One of the key rules of journalism is that all stories are about people. We are the ones who forge the adventures, give heart to the stories we tell, and create the legends. 

So please, send us your stories. Take photos of your adventures, and when you do, be sure to include yourself and your compadres as well as your Mercedes-Benz and the scenery. We cannot print your story in the pages of The Star until you tell us about it.