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Valerie Cristiano

The 49th annual June Jamboree at MBUSA's headquarters took place June 16, 2012.

June Jamboree

Article Valerie Cristiano
Photographs Gary Anderson

For an event that has been taking place for 49 years, the June Jamboree at MBUSA’s headquarters June 16 in Montvale, New Jersey, still seemed fresh and new, or perhaps it was just the sunny day making the new cars in front of the main building and the classic cars arrayed in the parking lots gleam so brightly.

Coffee, lunch, and relaxation in the cool lobby and cafeteria were a pleasant respite from the sun and the pressures of prepping and judging by Pete Lesler’s MBCA concours judging team, with a slide show of previous years playing on the big screens in the cafeteria.

After lunch, Adam Paige, manager of National Brand Public Relations at MBUSA talked about the new Mercedes models, President Steve Dierks gave an update on MBCA news, and membership pins were presented, with 30-year pins to John Bleimaier and Michael Goldberg.

Thanks to Christine Chase and Lauren Iannelli of MBUSA for their arrangements, and to Joe Grattan, Doug Ochwat, Carl Schwartz, Trudy Frie, and Bobby Wozney for making everything run so smoothly.

Jerry Robinson preps his 1964 230SL, which took second in his class, while behind him, David North and a friend prep his 1972 280SE 4.5 that won first in class.

In front of the MBUSA headquarters in Montvale, Claire Wegner's light-blue 1956 190SL that won first in class, is displayed next to June Platz’s dark-blue 1957 190SL that took second in class.

John Bleimaier arrives for registration in his 1965 190De, Sean Connor is chatting with other members behind him and Tony Libertelli brings up the rear in his 1959 190a ponton.

New cars were on display in the MBUSA lobby.

An attractive pagoda gets the going-over from the judging team.

The oldest car in the show was this 1954 W109 Coupe

A line-up of stunning 220s