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Terry Kiwala

Expectations for the MBCA 60th Anniversary celebration exceeded this year.

Here’s to the Next 60 Years

As I wrote to you early in the year, I had high expectations for our 60th-anniversary celebrations. By this summer’s end, I can tell you that my greatest expectations were far exceeded. The Mercedes-Benz Club of America presented wonderful events with record turnouts of members driving and showing impressive cars. We also have partnered with Mercedes-Benz USA and Mercedes-Benz Classic to establish a robust and collaborative relationship with our friends at Mercedes-Benz and Daimler. Our continued work together will well serve both organizations over time.

Perhaps the greatest evening of my tenure was the evening following Legends of the Autobahn® during Monterey Car Week. I was honored to attend a dinner hosted by MBUSA and enjoyed seeing many MBCA friends, including Mike Kunz, Constantin von Kageneck, Rob Moran and Christian Bokich. As the program began, MBUSA CEO Dietmar Exler thanked a few prominent guests, including Sir Stirling Moss and his wife Lady Susie, for their attendance. To my surprise and delight, he expressed his gratitude to Mercedes-Benz Club of America for its partnership and contribution to the marque. This recognition is a testament to the good work that happens in each and every one of our sections, and also at the regional and national level. As members of the world’s largest Mercedes-Benz enthusiast organization, let us all thank Mercedes-Benz for our continued good relationship and their recognition of our dedication. We look forward to the next 60 years together.

As the MBCA plans the coming year, we have worked hard on a program to continue our attendance at many high-profile events. MBCA was present at many shows and enthusiast events across the country. Led by our Enthusiast Committee, MBCA’s mobile platform supports local sections to promote the MBCA and events where members’ cars are judged, and assists with judging, tabulation and scoring. Moving forward, we have a vested interest in remaining alongside Mercedes-Benz Classic and our members with such significant examples of Mercedes-Benz history. The quality of our members’ cars is only enhanced by their good character on the show field as owners enjoy the company of fellow club members and attendees. We look forward to our continued presence at these events.

And for those of you who are into brand-new cars and the incredible production process, the Alabama Section has forged a close relationship with MBUSI in Vance, Alabama. Led by Dr. James Roberts, a select group of MBCA enthusiasts are official tour guides of the facility. Our members periodically get the opportunity to visit the massive operation and experience what was once only available in Sindelfingen. The growing activity of the Alabama Section will continue to expand upon this relationship and host many more events that share the same quality of StarTech 2013, including StarFest® 2018, and will offer this unique opportunity to MBCA members at large.


It has been a great year of celebration, partnership and friendship. Many of our members have participated in an incredible array of events across the country that commemorate our 60th anniversary. It has been our honor to have the support and endorsement of our friends at Mercedes-Benz USA and Mercedes-Benz Classic. It has been a great pleasure to see many familiar faces and meet new members who decided to embark on the next decade of MBCA history. On behalf of the board, I wish you and your families a very happy holiday season. I wish you success, good fortune and beautiful cars in 2017. And if you bought a raffle ticket for the amazing S-Class Cabriolet, I hope to see you in it at an event in the New Year.