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Steve Dierks

There are 28,244 reasons for enjoying your membership in the Mercedes-Benz Club of America (MBCA). Your club is an inclusive, contemporary organization. There were 20,474 active memberships at the beginning of October: Because many memberships include a second member, there were 28,244 total MBCA member enthusiasts who share a common interest. The MBCA is more than a club; it’s a community.

More than a Club, We’re a Community

There are 28,244 reasons for enjoying your membership in the Mercedes-Benz Club of America (MBCA). Your club is an inclusive, contemporary organization. There were 20,474 active memberships at the beginning of October: Because many memberships include a second member, there were 28,244 total MBCA member enthusiasts who share a common interest. The MBCA is more than a club; it’s a community.

But membership means much more than shared enthusiasm. The MBCA experience is about relationships that develop while participating in club activities. Each gathering of members at the sectional, regional and national levels is a social experience. Every event that brings members together for defensive driving, autocross, road rallying, concours or banquets promotes member interaction. Club events are the core of the membership experience and their importance cannot be overstated.

Under the direction of the club’s Board of Directors, an in-depth study of the MBCA-subsidized national events structure was commissioned this year. In previous columns, I summarized the findings of that study and promised you that directors would take action on those results: The board will consider proposed changes to the MBCA Standard Operating Procedures and the Rule Book at members’ November meeting. Here is an overview of the considerations:

*      The National Subsidized events structure must enable host Sections to successfully implement events. A subsidized event structure that permits Sections to mix and match the content of a National Subsidized event, based upon their local resources and member interests, may facilitate greater member participation.

*   The MBCA has built a heritage that is valued by many members, a  heritage that features participation in National Subsidized events including track driving and concours events, etc. It is important to respect and preserve the MBCA heritage. StarFest®, Tri-O-Rama, Gemütlichkeit, Western Caravan, Southern Treffen, Heimatfest, and StarTrails must remain in the club lexicon.

*     The Standard Operating Procedures specifies both the content of a national event and the applicable subsidy. Any change in the required event content must be accompanied by a corresponding subsidy adjustment. Track rental is expensive and, therefore, would get the greatest allocation in the proposed subsidy matrix.

*     Event duration must be shortened. AMCI Global, which conducted the MBCA study, recommended a three-day maximum. Consolidating the content of an event may enable a Section to complete an event in two days; it should be permitted to do so.

*    StarFest is MBCA’s premier event as a biennial national convention. The StarFest subsidy is greater and Standard Operating Procedures permit a longer duration. We should preserve StarFest and its intent while making it accessible to the largest number of members. Shortening the duration and selecting a venue near member concentrations may be appropriate. Alternating locations between western and eastern venues may also be appropriate.

*     Because survey respondents indicated a strong interest in defensive-driving programs, the board of directors will consider a formalized and sustainable driver-skills program to be delivered uniformly in every region.

*     Your input is a vital element in everything the board considers. Please share your thoughts on the club’s national events and driver-skills programs with your Regional Director.

This is my last column as President of the MBCA, a position that I am deeply honored to have served. We’ve covered a lot of ground together these past two years. I look forward to many more years of active participation in club events and I look forward to seeing you there.

Drive happy,