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Terry Kiwala

President’s Letter
Terry Kiwala
Doubling Down

During the past year, the Mercedes-Benz Club of America has invested in members and sections, and taken some risk to push the organization forward. We saw a fun summer 2014, doubled down on our bets to support members and are now seeing great results. We have also undertaken measured risk to enhance member services and benefits; members agree that the perks of MBCA membership have never been better.

Case in point: our spring 2015 raffle. With the press extolling the 2016 AMG GT S, we took a risk and prepared to give away the nicest raffle prize in MBCA history. Before we printed tickets, we asked our friends at MBUSA for help in securing a build spot for an early AMG GT S so that if we did actually sell enough tickets to award the prize, one of our members would be among the first AMG GT S owners. Mercedes-Benz USA graciously granted our request. When I stood with Mercedes AMG managers Paul LaPenta and Brandon Coté at the Amelia Island concours in front of a beautiful AMG GT S, I knew we made the right decision.

As I write this column, we are close to selling out of tickets and I am getting excited to personally deliver this car to a lucky MBCA member. And members’ comments could not be more supportive about our decision to move forward with this contest. Again, we took a risk in awarding such a huge prize, but it paid off. I only hope the winner lets me do a lap around the dealer parking lot when that car is delivered!

We are seeing the club’s continued investments in regional and national events – with major help from the good people who organize them – pay off. Last year, we piloted a program to financially support sections that supercharge their shows, driving events and social weekends. The response was positive and enthusiasm continues this year – sections and their members are seeking ways to schedule more events, and even better, get amazing cars out for display.

In April, I traveled to Minneapolis for Twin Cities Section’s spring tech event at Tuned Port Induction Specialists. I could not believe the quality of cars that emerged that Saturday morning: Dave Tobin’s 250SL and Ken Garelick’s low-mileage 280SL, which set the bar for Pagodas in the future. Everyone had a good time and, once again, the club’s national support set the stage for beautiful cars to show.

In early May, we were blessed with great weather for Wisconsin Section’s Driving Skills Course and Autocross event. Organizer Nancy Pearson lamented to me that there were “only” 40 cars running that day – actually, a remarkable turnout. Well, run those cars we did. As an added bonus, member Tyler Gold produced and edited a short video that is an excellent promotional piece for the program, the first of its kind. This is what a regional safe driving skills event should be, and Wisconsin Section did a great job!

That night, I traveled to Washington, D.C., for the Deutsche Marque Concours d’Elegance, a historic event that continues to draw spectacular cars. I was thrilled to see 15 500E M-Bs gathered as part of the show. Longtime members and 500E enthusiasts Gerry Van Zandt and Shane Reeder assembled an impressive array of very cool cars that made for a great photo opportunity. Omar Abou-Zied continued the tradition in smoothly running a concours and awards ceremony.

A few weeks later, I joined the Central Oklahoma Section for its annual Concours d’Elegance. Section President Charles Woods collaborated with other sections and arranged for an impressive display of concours-quality cars at the Chesapeake Finish Line Tower, all perfectly displayed on turf overlooking the Oklahoma River. Amazing cars included John Bower’s spotless Gullwing and Woods’s own 560SL, and Section Secretary Masood Khan was very gracious, introducing me to all the members and engaging in productive discussion about the MBCA’s future. I had such a good time that I booked my first holiday party for 2015 in Oklahoma City!

An impressive show: I joined  with enthusiastic members of the Central Oklahoma Section at the 2015 Oklahoma City Concours on May 16.

I am happy to see our investments in the MBCA and its members yielding so much more in terms of club membership. Your national board is committed to continue building membership support and will be out there with you this summer. We look forward to meeting you and hearing your suggestions as we continue to enhance the MBCA membership experience.