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Julie Bruggner

Julie's farewell as President of MBCA

Well, this is it, my final column.  It’s been nearly three years since I got elected and Gary Anderson told me I had less than a week to get my first one done.  I’m sure the panic on my face told him just how comfortable I was going to be getting those in every issue.  Because even though the President’s column was always the first thing I read when the Star® arrived, I hadn’t given any thought to that being part of my duties if I got elected.  But it has become a way for me to talk to all of you and I’m surprised to find I am going to miss it.

I’ve given a lot of thought to what I want to say in my last message.  I think the most important thing is that no matter how you feel about me, or any other Board member for that matter, or how you feel about the Strategic Plan, or what we’ve done so far, you are still here for a reason.  You are reading this for a reason.  You are still a member for a reason.  You must still care about the Organization and it must still give you something that you want in your life.  I hope that it’s FUN! 

For me, the “fun” has always been meeting and talking to all of you and hearing what you love.  Whether it’s admiring the cars in a Concours, or even a simple Show and Shine, racing through the cones in an autocross or around the curves on a track, talking “shop” with other members at a tech event, or just taking a drive in the country, the Club has brought us together for these fun events in our lives.  It has elevated the everyday experiences we might have had to the Mercedes-Benz level.  That has made the time and effort I’ve put in the last few years worth it.

I would like to individually thank everyone that has helped me since I was elected President, but the list would be very long, and I fear I would inadvertently leave someone out.  But I must thank Mike Regennitter, our Executive Director.  Without his help and guidance when I first took office, I would have been lost.  I could always count on his integrity, his honesty, and for him to be there when I needed his help.  Thank you Mike, dear friend! 

See you soon, at the next fun event!