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Steve Dierks

It is a great honor to have been entrusted with the office of President of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America (MBCA). I am committed not only to a responsible execution of the duties of the President but also to the best interest of the members of MBCA.

It’s All About the Experience

It is a great honor to have been entrusted with the office of President of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America (MBCA). I am committed not only to a responsible execution of the duties of the President but also to the best interest of the members of MBCA. We owe a special thanks to Rodger Van Ness for his skilled leadership as immediate Past-President of MBCA. Under his guidance, the club improved the membership experience during 2010 and 2011.
With the exception of a few late holiday parties, the MBCA 2011 event calendar is complete. There are many member participation opportunities planned for 2012. StarFest®, our signature event, is scheduled for this year in Phoenix. The event includes a comprehensive menu of participation and spectator activities and is a great member value. I encourage you to include StarFest among your 2012 MBCA activities. Information about StarFest will be published in the Star and your Section leaders will have all of the details for you.
Your Board of Directors recently voted to increase annual MBCA membership dues by about the price of a premium cup of coffee. It is the first MBCA dues increase in 12 years. I believe that MBCA membership is a great value and that it will continue to have significant value in the future. MBCA dues represent a fraction of the savings that members enjoy on Mercedes-Benz parts and service. The award-winning Star magazine is among the best member magazines in the hobby. MBCA is an excellent resource for expertise and technical information about Mercedes-Benz vehicles past and present. While significant, these benefits only begin to tell the membership story. What MBCA really delivers is an enhanced Mercedes-Benz experience.
My reason for joining the Mercedes-Benz Club of America (MBCA) comes from my general enthusiasm and passion for the Mercedes-Benz brand. I have owned several Mercedes-Benz models and I suppose that it was only a matter of time until I would join MBCA. When a friend of mine suggested joining the Club, I accepted his recommendation. As a member, I have participated in organized Section, Regional and National events. Through participation in those events, I developed friendships with people that I would not have otherwise met. Becoming part of the MBCA community is an intangible and highly valued membership benefit.
As a member of the MBCA community, you have the opportunity to participate in the first Club membership album. The club has engaged Harris Connect to create an album in which members have the option to submit their own pictures and MBCA story. The album will be a presentation quality volume that only includes responding MBCA community members. It will be a professionally crafted presentation of the active MBCA community and will be a handsome addition to your personal library.
Every event in which you participate includes a social aspect and strengthens your sense community. It really is about the experience.

Let’s drive ’em.