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Mike Regennitter

We are definitely in a unique situation, but one thing is for sure, we will overcome this historical moment and return to the things that we enjoy — Mercedes-Benz automobiles and hanging with like-minded members.

From the Executive Director – Mike Regennitter

Be Safe, Stay Healthy

Hopefully by the time you read this, we’ll be on the backside of the curve and preparing to return to normal, which I am sure will look much different than what we have been used to.

The National Business office is still operating, but with the stay-at-home order, it looks different. The team is continuing to serve members in the best, and safest means possible during these interesting times. We are all isolated to our own homes, and for the most part, we have access to all the tools we need to keep the office running virtually.

Safety is my primary focus for anyone and everyone, and we are taking every precaution to ensure no one’s health is jeopardized.

Given our unusual situation, getting in touch with the National Business Office looks different. You can continue to call (800) 637-2360. When you do, please leave a message, and a Member Services Specialist will return your call during standard office hours. You can also email [email protected] and a Member Services Specialist will be in contact with you. Whether it is renewing, answering membership questions, or purchasing a raffle ticket, we are here for you.

We are definitely in a unique situation, but one thing is for sure, we will overcome this historical moment and return to the things that we enjoy — Mercedes-Benz automobiles and hanging with like-minded members.

The Mercedes-Benz Club of America will continue to serve and be there for each other and our communities. This is the time we will shine by illuminating solidarity and unity that makes this club so great. There is only one way to get through this, and that is to do it together.

Until we can meet again, continue to wash your hands, be safe, remain calm, practice social distancing, and, if you are able, explore ways to help others who are most vulnerable and affected.